Featured Research

IGTC researchers examined the marketing strategies used and product characteristics advertised via social media by 39 e-cigarette and heated tobacco product (HTP) brands available in the Philippines to interact with consumers and increase user engagement.

This study analyzed data from a national, online survey of adults in the Philippines who smoke to estimate what policies could potentially support increased cigarette quit behavior. The results are detailed in this fact sheet.

We examined the product characteristics and marketing strategies used on seven e-cigarette or HTP brand websites targeting Vietnamese consumers and found devices and cartridges marketed on the sites along with advertising appeals, marketing messages such as claims about the brand or the product, and promotion strategies.
IGTC conducted a study to explore marketing strategies used and product characteristics advertised on e-cigarette and HTP brand websites in China following implementation of these policies. The key findings are summarized on this fact sheet, which provides evidence to support enhanced monitoring and enforcement.
Amidst increased e-cigarette use prevalence in the Philippines, IGTC conducted an online survey of Filipino adults who smoke to examine e-cigarette awareness, use patterns, and reasons for e-cigarette use.
Online Courses
Learning from the Experts is a free online course breaking down the fundamentals of tobacco control, including its history, surveillance, and impacts. This course will help individuals build, monitor, and assess interventions on any scale using case studies and examples from around the world.
With six themed modules, the course allows anyone from public health professionals to students to increase their understanding of tobacco control topics, including learning how to prevent harm as tobacco products change and evolve.
With three themed modules, this course teaches health care providers how to prevent harm as tobacco products change and evolve.
This online course provides current evidence on tobacco use and COVID-19, and it covers topics such as the impact of smoking on COVID-19, the effects of nicotine at a molecular level and more.
The Tobacco Pack Surveillance System (TPackSS)
TPackSS, developed with funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies through the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, contains a visual database of cigarette packs from 14 low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) to monitor how tobacco companies are marketing their products and track their compliance with tobacco pack requirements including health warning labels.

Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub
The Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub offers tobacco control advocates a new online treaty monitoring platform with multiple user-friendly dashboards featuring more than 300 performance indicators from more than 180 reporting countries. Explore multi-year trends to monitor, analyze and report on global tobacco control progress through engaging color-coded maps and graphic visualizations.

Where We Work
As a collaborating centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2004, our work takes place around the globe. We concentrate primarily on the 10 priority countries of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use - Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, Ukraine and Vietnam.
Through our work together and with other organizations, we have produced reports to support tobacco control action in low- and middle-income countries. Learn more about our projects by choosing a region to explore.