This site provides a description of country-level laws that regulate e-cigarettes or other electronic nicotine delivery systems. The information on this site has been verified by in-country experts and/or representatives of the Ministry of Health or other regulatory body in the respective countries. To access scans for other nicotine and tobacco products, click on the “Policy Scan” tab at the top of the website and use the dropdown menu to click on the scan of interest.
As of August 2023, we are no longer updating the scans. For up-to-date information, please visit the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ tobacco legislation tracker.
Resources from Scan

A global scan of policies regulating e-cigarette advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Global approaches to regulating nicotine content in e-cigarettes

Approaches to transposing the European Union tobacco products directive e-cigarette rules into legislation by European Union member states
Other Resources