SRNT 2023
SRNT 2023 – San Antonio (all times are Central Standard Time)
Thursday, 10 am (Presentation)
Lauren Czaplicki: “Teenagers will certainly be curious” - Chinese high-school students’ perceptions of the intended audience and influence of tobacco marketing in China (PPS1-5 – Salon D)
Thursday, 11:30 am (Posters)

Josh Sinamo: Interactive data visualization: a case study from ENDS research (POS01-35)
Jeff Hardesty: Factors associated with changes in ENDS dependence: Findings from waves 2 and 3 of the VAPER study (POS01-38)
Bekir Kaplan: Quantification of risks and benefits associated with ENDS by assessing their impact on tobacco use transitions in the U.S. (POS1-52)
Lauren Czaplicki: Ecological momentary assessment of tobacco marketing exposure among Chinese adolescents (POS01-120)
Bela Amalia: A plethora of brand variants flooding a kretek-dominated market: Findings from the Tobacco Pack Surveillance System in Indonesia, 2022 (POS01-122)

Thursday, 3 pm (Presentations)
Tuo-Yen Tseng: Capsule cigarette sales in Mexico, 2018-2021 (PPS5-4 – Salon E)
Meagan Robichaud: How the news media discusses nicotine pouches in low- and middle-income markets (PPS7-4 – Salon D)

Thursday, 4:30 pm (Posters)
Michelle Duren: Approaches to nicotine pouch regulation around the globe (POS02-33)
Grazi Grilo/Ryan Kennedy/Alena Madar: Assessing tobacco waste as a form of post-consumption marketing through an observational study in Kolkata, India (POS02-36)
Bela Amalia: What tobacco-related policy violations does the public complain about? An assessment of violation reports on a mobile-based application in Jakarta (POS02-44)
Bekir Kaplan: Assessing ENDS device type accurately in surveys (POS02-68)
Jenny Brown: Cigarette, e-cigarette, and heated tobacco product marketing at points of sale in 10 cities in Vietnam (POS02-121)
Jeff Hardesty: Quantity and type of ENDS devices used in the past week and the percentage of puffs from their most used device: Findings from Wave 4 of the VAPER study (POS02-123)

Friday, 8:30 am (Presentations)
Lauren Czaplicki: Effects of cigarette price and packaging on quit-smoking behavior: Results from a discrete choice analysis among Vietnamese adult smokers (PPS14-4 – Conference Room 1)
Lara Atella: Prevalence of policies requiring health warning labels on electronic nicotine delivery systems and heated tobacco products around the globe (PPS14-5 – Conference Room 1)
Les Hagan: Creating the Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub (RAP2 - Salon M)
Friday, 11:30 am (Posters)
Lizzie Crespi: What are the device and liquid characteristics used with sweet, menthol/mint, and tobacco ends liquid flavors: Results from the population-based VAPER study (POS3-53)
Bekir Kaplan: Exposure to metals among electronic nicotine delivery system (ends) users in the path study: A longitudinal analysis (POS3-57)
Ryan Kennedy: Assessing and classifying tobacco waste in urban outdoor environments in Kolkata, India (POS3-63)
Hannah Barker: Factors associated with COVID-19 related quit attempts among adult smokers in Vietnam (POS3-71)
Lara Atella: Nature and extent of country-level policies regulating flavors in electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) (POS03-127)

Friday, 4:45 pm (Posters)
Ryan Kennedy: Country-level policies regulating nicotine strength and liquid volumes for electronic nicotine delivery systems (POS4-41)
Qinghua Nian: Transitions in device and liquid characteristic groupings among U.S. adults who use ENDS frequently over 3 timepoints, 2020-2021 (POS4-45)
Hannah Barker: Exposure to and appeal of tobacco ads and displays in China: A qualitative exploration of perceptions among Chinese youth (POS4-46)
Tuo-Yen Tseng: Trends and patterns in cigarette sales by major manufacturers in Mexico (POS4-52)
Jenny Brown: The effects and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on behaviors and perceptions of young Indonesian who smoke (POS04-132)
Alena Madar: Observed tobacco product waste near schools in Kolkata, India (POS04-134)
Saturday, 8 am (Presentation)

Alena Madar: Tobacco companies’ creation of additional communication space: a content analysis of inserts and onserts on cigarette packs (PPS23-6 – Salon D)
Saturday, 11 am (Posters)
Meagan Robichaud: Global policies regulating electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS) (POS05-41)
Michelle Duren: Review of country-level policies regulating online e-cigarette sales (POS05-49)
Grazi Grilo/Kate Smith: Health warning label compliance in Mexico: Tobacco industry exploiting strong legislation (POS05-56)
Josh Sinamo: The relationship between PG/VG and other liquid characteristics among adults frequently using refillable ENDS: Findings from VAPER wave 3 survey (POS05-86)
Lizzie Crespi: A case study in optimizing retention of U.S. adult ENDS users in longitudinal online surveys – exploring different incentive structures (POS05-87)